
Data security is of prime concern. The system is protected by usernames and password access.

Clients cannot view each other’s suppliers. The AMcert web pages cannot be be used as a buying tool to search for suppliers.

Each client can only view their own supplier and are not given any information regarding other clients they may be supplying. AMcert will grant access to data.

The client is responsible for whom they share username and password access.

All transmission of data is via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology to protect your Data using both server authentication and 128-bit encryption. This technology ensures that others cannot view your Data as it travels over the Internet.

The AMcert servers are hosted in a highly secure environment provided by a market leading UK hosting services provider.

Data security is of prime concern. The system is protected by usernames and password access.

Clients cannot view each other’s suppliers. The AMcert web pages cannot be be used as a buying tool to search for suppliers.

Each client can only view their own supplier and are not given any information regarding other clients they may be supplying. AMcert will grant access to data.

The client is responsible for whom they share username and password access.

The AMcert servers are hosted in a highly secure environment provided by a market leading UK hosting services provider.